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作者: | 时间:2018-03-27 | 点击:




Reconceptualizing English Major Education Pattern under the Background of New Era: Fulfilling the Cultural Confidence of the 19th National Congress of CPC

On March 26th, 2018, Professor Tao Wenhao, the Dean and the General Party Branch Secretary of SFL, gave students a lecture named Reconceptualizing English Major Education Pattern under the Background of New Era: Fulfilling the Cultural Confidence of the 19th National Congress of CPC. This is the first class given by the General Party Branch Secretary of our school this semester.

Through interaction, Professor Tao firstly introduced a question that why there exists a nationwide enthusiasm for English learning. Then he put forward four main problems of current situation of English major education, and stressed seven aspects students are required to study in learning English. In his view, the English major education pattern under the background of new era should embody both national character and international character, which means that the English curriculum system should be integrated into Chinese element courses of Chinese civilization, Chinese culture, Chinese literature, Chinese history and Chinese philosophy in English under the premise of remaining the existing National English Standard Curriculum so as to form an English curriculum system suitable for our national conditions. Meanwhile, he emphasized that the talents cultivation should focus on holistic education, and the necessity of cultivating English talents with all-round development, self-confidence, and knowledge of English, Chinese, culture and international view.

The English has been playing quite an important role in the international stage, which brings both opportunities and challenges for the cultivation of English talents. It is beyond doubt that deepening the existing international English major curriculum system and establishing English curriculum system with Chinese element will be the goal in reconceptualizing the English major education pattern.

下一篇:松冈荣志教授来我院举开展讲座 上一篇:澳门沙金在线平党总支学生党支部第八届京师义教第一期顺利举行

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